
**Posted by Ariel Chou at 4:00 AM

 Cityville is a construction and management simulation (CMS) genre game, it is web-based and requires the interactions between single player and multiple player, therefore, facebook seems to be the best social platform to provide a solid social network and evolve social relationship in the virtual world.

Cityville game derives from Simcity series, instead of  play in solo, Cityville bring in the grand feature of social interaction inside of the game. Back to the SimCity Classic era, it was the first and foremost touchstone of CMS game in the history, and the design rules they been used are still can be found in the game like Cityville. Despite the common feature of construction, demolition and economic simulation design, Cityville discard of disaster and maintenance design, instead put in social relationship and human resources into game design. From this point view, people who like social work is more likely tended to help each other, gift each other and immerse in the influences that a  strong social network brings. the other awesome features are all learned from the SimCity later series, such as the transactions between money and resources, watch the virtual live people build up house or walking on the street.

 Cityville are so popular, because instead of spending penny on a game you can use your friends to push your game level up and can still get a lot of features that can keep you away get bored. Also the graphic design and interface design are just dazzling the player eyes, very intuitive and vivid style has always attract players to spend time on that and watch the payback of their efforts. Plus zynga company has had a lot of experiment versions of other simulation game,  they understand what is the best pattern to make player happy, and they are smart enough to introduce Cityville game via Farmville game by stand a huge banner on the side of farm and saying Welcome to Cityville. therefore in my point of view Cityville is the most successful simulation version among all.

  People who like play Cityville is on a  wide age range, most of them are VIP facebooker, some of them are only play for friends, but what they all like is the interactions happens by only few clicks and the game would never take long to complete a period of goals.


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