Bayonetta - focus group report
The purpose of forming a game focus group is to find out the out come of a particular game. Our focus group members are Jenny, Arial, Denise, Viviane, Anita…and we’re focusing on the game-Bayonetta with 20 questions to interview.
During the discussion we’ve interviewed 8 people. These 8 people are around age 18-30. 8 of them are males, and all of them are full times student, some have a part time job.
The game seems to have a positive outcome. In general, they all enjoy this game, they know this game from internet and friends. During the discussion they all agreed the main character Bayonetta is the centre selling point of the game. Bayonetta appears to the audience that she has a fantastic body shape, fancy movement, attractive and cool. Bayonetta is very dynamic; the focus group has demonstrated that she never bored them. A great example quoted by Chris: “Her hair transforms to a wolf when she does special tricks….she looks cool in that form”. And in addition, Choi also made a comment: “when she gets necked I see it as a player reward.”
The result finalized that it is a very successful characteristic game.
Neverless the world in the game is unique. The whole environment is a godly world. The focus group thinks they’re greatly influenced by the environment and surrounding during the game play.
The group also indicated they like the style of the game a lot, including the fancy movements, environment design, background music and graphics. Quotes form Michal “I even download its background music, because it is awesome! I love it”. It became quite obvious that the graphic has reached a high standard of audience’s expectation, 8 of them gave a 10/10 for the graphic.
The game play is quite simple. Knowing what to do in the game play is easy to understand. Audiences can easily find out their missions by simple hints or notice by the NPC. They reckon there’s no need to look at the instruction booklet; instead they preferred the tutorial during game play. E.g., help page.
The interviewees have diverse opinions, some people think the buttons combinations are a lot bit complex not easy to master while some of them think it is easy to remember the controls. They all agreed that the control id vary handy and has a fast reaction during game play. It’s easy to get used to the buttons, however they reckon it is going to cost time for them to master the control and performs perfect moments on the character-Bayonetta.
The group also comment on the loading page, they liked the idea of having a trial play on the character while loading, for the purpose of getting used to the buttons, the reactions before the game starts. Michal says “it’s cool to practice”
The music has been applied in the game has also gave the audience a good taste about the game. The sound effects are excellent; the background music draws the players in even more, easy to get into playing and the character. It in includes rocky and classic style music, very unique component and interesting to experience.
However on the other hand, there are also a few suggestions in a subjective view. The focus group thinks the game should have a partner; it may not have to be a second primary character, but a guider or a helper, to allow players fight easier and have a character to corporate with, other than just Bayonette herself.
The instruction book needs to be more appealing to the player or else it can be eliminated, due to all the tutorials are already included in the game, there is no need for a paper document tutorial.
The player thinks there are too many monsters/enemies appearing all at once. It was a bit hard for the player to handle, at the same time challengeable.
Some player from the focus group also comments on Bayonetta’s personality, her movements and attitude are sometimes overacting. May offence some players in someway, however this is another subjective point that can be discussed.
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